Filtri Armoniċi Attivi (AHF-75-0.4-4L-W)
Active harmonic filters (AHF) are important components in power systems designed to improve power quality by mitigating adverse harmonic effects. L-armoniċi jistgħu jikkawżaw irregolaritajiet fil-fluss tal-kurrent, li jwasslu għal tgħawwiġ ta 'vultaġġ, ħsara fit-tagħmir, u sħana żejda. L-AHF tissorvelja u tanalizza kontenut armoniku, tiġġenera forom ta 'mewġ offset, tinnewtralizza l-armoniċi, u tiżgura provvista ta' enerġija stabbli. AHF effectively suppresses harmonics, reduces voltage distortion, minimizes energy loss, and extends the service life of electrical equipment. Its utilization is particularly important in industrial and commercial areas where large numbers of nonlinear loads exist, to ensure reliable and efficient power systems.
Kurrent ta 'Kumpens Rated :Vultaġġ Nominali :AC400V (-40% ~ + 15%)Netwerk :3 fażi 3 wajer / 3 fażi 4 wajer -
Kabinett tal-filtru armoniku attiv huwa tagħmir avvanzat użat biex itaffi u jikkontrolla d-distorsjoni armonika fis-sistema tal-enerġija. These cabinets use active filter technology to actively monitor and analyze the harmonic content of the power supply, and then generate and inject counteracting currents to counteract the harmonics. Protect sensitive equipment from degradation and potential damage. These cabinets can be integrated into a power distribution system with one or more power quality modules.
Kurrent ta 'Kumpens Rated :Vultaġġ Nominali :Netwerk :3 fażi 3 wajer / 3 fażi 4 wajer -
Kabinett tal-filtru armoniku attiv huwa tagħmir avvanzat użat biex itaffi u jikkontrolla d-distorsjoni armonika fis-sistema tal-enerġija. These cabinets use active filter technology to actively monitor and analyze the harmonic content of the power supply, and then generate and inject counteracting currents to counteract the harmonics. Protect sensitive equipment from degradation and potential damage. These cabinets can be integrated into a power distribution system with one or more power quality modules.
Kurrent ta 'Kumpens Rated :Vultaġġ Nominali :AC400V (-40% ~ + 15%)Netwerk :3 fażi 3 wajer / 3 fażi 4 wajer -
- Imagine your electrical system is like a symphony orchestra, with each instrument playing beautiful music. Imma xi kultant, plejers distruttivi jistgħu jikkawżaw kaos. Dan huwa fejn jidħlu filtri armoniċi attivi (AHF). It's like a master, keeping the harmonies intact. When it detects harmonic distortions, it quickly neutralizes them, restoring balance and ensuring flawless performance. Just like a conductor keeps an orchestra in harmony, AHF ensures your electrical systems run smoothly, preventing equipment malfunctions, malfunctions and wasted energy. It's like having a skilled conductor on hand, ensuring your electrical system plays a symphony of efficiency and reliability.Immuntat fuq il-ħajt għal installazzjoni aktar faċli u aktar flessibbli.Kurrent ta 'Kumpens Rated :Vultaġġ Nominali :AC400V (-40% ~ + 15%)Netwerk :3 fażi 3 wajer / 3 fażi 4 wajer
Filtri Armoniċi Attivi (AHF-25-0.4-4L-W)
Immuntat fuq il-ħajt għal installazzjoni aktar faċli u aktar flessibbli.
Kurrent ta 'Kumpens Rated :25aVultaġġ Nominali :AC400V (-40% ~ + 15%)Netwerk :3 fażi 3 wajer / 3 fażi 4 wajer -
Filtri Armoniċi Attivi (AHF-25-0.4-4L-R)
Kurrent ta 'Kumpens Rated :25aVultaġġ Nominali :AC400V (-40% ~ + 15%)Netwerk :3 fażi 3 wajer / 3 fażi 4 wajer